Wheelchair & Stretcher
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
- 40+ Fully Equipped Vehicles
- Video & Audio Surveillance
- GPS Tracking
- State of the Art Dispatching
- Instant Scheduling Portal
- Over +2 Million Miles of Experience

Our fleet of fully equipped vehicles are ready to get you where you need to go safely and on time. With over 40 vehicles on call, we are your best option for reliable non-emergency medical transportation in the Kansas City Metro area. Our experienced drivers have over 2 million miles under their seat belts. Our fleet is ready to handle your local or long-distance transportation needs.
Client safety and prompt arrival at your destination is our primary concern. We maintain our fleet in accordance with ADA requirements. Each vehicle is inspected regularly by authorized dealers and certified service professional.
Express Medical Transportations fleet can take care of all your non-emergency wheelchair, stretcher or bariatric stretcher transports. We are a fully licensed and insured transportation provider with over 2 million miles of experience.
- 8,000 miler per day
- 25,000 trips per year
- Clean and comfortable
- Lifts and safety straps
- Smoke-free vehicles
- All vehicles regularly maintained

Video & Audio Surveillance
We have employed cameras in all of our transportation vehicles. Our cameras STREAM LIVE and can capture video and audio 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, Inside, outside and around the vehicles.
Our wide-angle, dual lens shares the big picture. An 8-lumen infrared light provides clear visibility, even at night. Sound recordings from inside and outside the vehicle can ensure that we have details recorded.

Driving Surveillance
We can connect up to four cameras for 24/7 continual live streaming video and audio recording. Our system allows for us to get immediate access to the videos inside or outside the vehicle and before, during, and after a transport.

Transportation Dispatching
Our state-of-the-art phone system links our customer service centers, preventing downtime and allowing calls to be routed based on capacity and call volume. We use a powerful dispatching system with realtime access for efficiency and improved communication.
Customer Portal
The Web Portal offers your customers instant access to account needs, such as report generation, order entry, price quoting, real-time tracking, and more.

Local & Long Distance Fleet GPS TRACKING
Each local and long-distance transportation vehicle is equipped with State-of-the -art GPS Tracking. Our system allows for us to determine traffic and potential driving hazards to reroute our fleet. We can see at a glance which drivers are currently clocked in; where they are located; what assignments they have queued up; when they last interacted with the system. Real-time updates regarding the status of field personnel allow the dispatcher to make more informed driver assignments for new orders. This functionality helps to even workloads and allows to run more efficiently. Technology is the heart of Express Medical Transportation’s operations, enabling automation, error reduction, and instant access to data.
Proprietary, customized software tracks all vehicles and routes. GPS Tracking also allows us to create quick and precise billing for our customers.

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