PROVIDING MISSOURI & KANSAS WITH QUALITY Wheelchair, Bariatric & Stretcher Transportation
Every transportation trip is treated with the utmost care and safety. Our experienced drivers are trained to handle your medical needs and to provide a comfortable, safe ride every time. Our vehicles are fully-equipped with the latest technology.
Every transportation trip is treated with the utmost care. Our drivers are trained to handle your medical needs and to provide a comfortable, safe ride every time. Our vehicles are equipped with the latest technology.

Our wheelchair transportation is for individuals who require mobile or manual wheelchairs to move around and are in need of transportation to a medical appointment, a discharge or for disabled individuals.

We offer stretcher transportation for clients that are unable to sit upright for medical or comfort reasons. We maintain a fleet of customized vans which have been specially modified to hold stretchers.

Gurney services or Bariatric Stretcher Transportations are designed, with maximum safety; to help clients who are bed-bound, or have limited body flexibility to transport in a stable and lay-down position throughout the entire trip.
We utilize specially modified vans to transport patients safely. The client will remain on the gurney throughout the entire trip.
Bariatric Stretcher Transportation is available to accommodate individuals weighing 500+ pounds.Our bariatric equipment is made by Stryker, one of the most durable manufactures in the country.

An isolated portion of our FLEET & DRIVERS have been designated for exclusive transportation of COVID-19 patients.
We are closely following the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines and recommendations to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. In doing so we have implemented safety protocol, efforts to expand the wellbeing of our drivers and patients.

Express Medical Transport Services provides high quality long distance non-emergency medical transportation services. Express Medical Transport Services is committed to providing high quality, comfortable, reliable and affordable long distance non emergency medical transport to its valued customers.
Customer care and safety are our top two priorities. Express Medical Transport will commit its resources to safe and environmentally sound operating practices that will result in providing our customers with the assurance of safe, comfortable and reliable long distance medical transportation service
If you would like to know the cost of a Long Distance Non-emergency Medical Transport we would be happy to assist and provide you a free estimate. Call us at 816-503-6545

What is your facility’s evacuation plan?
Express Medical Transportation specialized in 24/7 facility evacuations.
Express Medical Transportation provides a plan of action for hospital and nursing facilities to evacuate and relocate residents and staff to an alternate care facility.

Individuals who use assistive devices when walking could also benefit from ambulatory transportation services to go places. We can assist clients in and out the vehicle. We can standby or stay on-call while clients attend their activities.
We utilize passenger vehicles with slight modifications to provide ambulatory transportation services. Our clients can hire us on a trip-basis or by blocks of hours. We can estimate your cost using starting and end locations.
- Door Through Door
- Bedside To Bedside
- Local Transportation
- Long-Distance Transportation
- COVID-19 Transport
- Facility Evacuation
- 24/7 Availability
- Oxygen Available
- Extra Attendant
- Ride Along
- GPS Tracking
- Audio & Video Surveillance
The best thing you can do for your residents should an emergency event arise is to already have a transportation provider in place. Express Medical Transportation specialized in facility evacuations. During an emergency is not the time to be finding a transportation company.
Express Medical Transportation offers agreements for evacuations. In the event of an emergency evacuation all the agreements and paperwork will have already been completed. Thus allowing us to proceed with the evacuation quickly and get your patients/residents to the desired destination.
We differentiate ourselves from other non-emergency medical transportation companies by providing fast acting medical evacuations.
One of the ways we do this is by having vehicles distributed throughout the city day and night. This strategic plan assures our clients that there are always vehicles in their area that are ready to react on a moment’s notice.

Our fleet consists of more than 40 vehicles THROUGHOUT THE GREATER KANSAS CITY AREA that can be dispatched in the event of an evacuation.
With over 6,000 trips per month our drivers know the Kansas City
and surrounding area and can easily transport your patients
anywhere in the state.
When your facility is cleared for patients to return, Express Medical Transportation, Inc will pick up your residents/patients and return them to your facility.
CALL (816) 582-3456

An isolated portion of our transportation FLEET & DRIVERS have been designated to exclusively transport passengers with COVID-19 related needs.
Express Medical Transportation understands that it is in the best interest of our community that COVID-19 patients have transportation to where specific healthcare and capacity are available. For this reason, we have dedicated a portion of our fleet to be used exclusive for coronavirus patient transportation.
We closely follow the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines and recommendations to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our transportation trips. In doing so we have implemented safety protocols and cleaning efforts to expand the wellbeing of our drivers and patients.
To schedule a COVID-19 transport,
call (816) 582-3456
- We have a selected team of drivers who will be exclusive transporting Coronavirus patients.
- Protective barrier has been installed between the driver and patient to prevent the spread of the virus.
- Drivers undergo a body temperature check before the start of their shifts and each are trained in the use of personal protective equipment to maximize infection control.
- All trips are considered isolation and no other persons or personal property will be allowed to be transported.

- Prior to pick up all patients who are not ventilated should be wearing a face mask. If a patient is not wearing a face mask one will be provided for them at an additional charge of $10. face masks are worn by our drivers and patients during the entire transport.
- Air recirculation in both compartments is turned off, in order to reduce potentially infectious particles in the vehicle.
- In addition to changing gloves between rides, drivers wear disposable gloves during cleaning and then dispose after each use.
- We clean frequently touched surfaces and objects, including steering wheel, door handles and seat belts, etc. before transporting another client.
© All Rights Reserved. Express Medical Transportation, LLC
The best thing you can do for your residents should an emergency event arise is to already have a transportation provider in place. Express Medical Transportation specialized in facility evacuations. During an emergency is not the time to be finding a transportation company.
Express Medical Transportation offers agreements for evacuations. In the event of an emergency evacuation all the agreements and paperwork will have already been completed. Thus allowing us to proceed with the evacuation quickly and get your patients/residents to the desired destination.